This is my logo!! I really like my idea that I came up with and I hope you guys like it, too!! :D
There were some steps during my process when making my logo.
First, in my class, Graphic Design, we did somewhat of a practice with learning how to use a Creative Brief. My partner that I interviewed with was Ava Yerkes. I asked her a set of Creative Brief questions that I came up with and found when I had some trouble:
Next, I did a practice logo by creating a logo that already exists. I chose to try the NBC Logo. Here is the link to the tutorial is you want to try:
This is my design of the NBC logo from the tutorial. It's pretty easy if you follow along.
The colors are very simple and rainbow-like. The shapes are unique, funky, and simple. I used the font Century Gothic because I thought it looked like it would fit pretty well and I thought it looked simple. I don't think the person in the tutorial says what font they used, so I came up with my own. Overall, I think the logo has a fun, family personality in it.
After that, I had come up with my own logo (Yikes!). I created some sketches on my own and came up with ideas that include my personality and interests.
I first did some sketches of some of my interests. I first did a logo that goes with my religion (Catholic <3). But, what I did was make the letters into hands fingerspelling GOD in Sign Language, which I love! I went with some quotes that I have heard of before and put it into a logo. I would say I like the "Open your Mind" one because of the brain that is open, which is "opening the mind."
After that I didn't really like those sketches, so I looked up ideas that involve Deaf Culture and Autism Awareness.
When I looked up Autism Awareness I found this design. It helped me come up with more designs. I knew after that, that I was going to use a hand in my logo and the Autism Awareness pattern. The two reasons why I chose to use Deaf Culture and Autism Awareness is because:
1.) I am falling in love with Sign Language and the Deaf Culture. I have already communicated with a couple people who are Deaf and they really appreciated that I am learning Sign Language and that I want to become an ASL Interpreter.
2.) My mom is a Lifeskills/Special Needs teacher and I love being around kids who have special needs. They are so sweet, funny, and amazing! I have grown up with kids who have special needs ever since I was 5 years old.
Here are some of the other inspirational photos that helped me come up with my logo:
I finally started to have a good concept of what my logo was going to be. Here are my art boards on Adobe Illustrator with the different ideas I had when making my logo:
I separated the different parts onto their own artboards. I first made a hand by using the Oval Shape Tool and then I distorted the palm and fingers (different ovals) to look more like a hand.
Next I had to think how I was going to make a Autism Awareness Pattern. So I looked up a tutorial first to see if that would help. Here is the tutorial that can help (it's in a different language):
It did help me a little, but I started to have some trouble so I came up with an idea. I found a small portion of the puzzle pattern that could help me:
I used the paint brush tool to make a copy of this pattern and traced around it. I then colored/filled the puzzle pieces with the Autism Awareness colors. I then copied the pattern 3 times to form a bigger pattern (you copy more depending on how big you want it).
This part took me the longest. I was trying to cut the pattern into a circle (for the eye in the logo). One of my classmates suggested using Pathfinder. So I did. I then found which tool I needed to use in the Pathfinder. I used the crop tool (also have the pattern and circle highlighted before you click crop). I was so happy that it worked (WOOOHOOO!!). I made a black circle for the pupil and then made a white circle for a reflection in the eye. I used a oval to make the eye shape/eye lid and then distorted it/ scaled it to make it look more like the eye shape. I then decided to put the hand and the eye together to show the Deaf Culture by using a hand and the eye with the Autism Awareness pattern to show Autism/Special Needs Pride!! Then I was finished, here is my logo (again)!!
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