Friday, December 18, 2015

Profesional Project Review

Today I am going to be looking at a Professional Project and talk about it.

The project I am going to talk/critique about is the Pixar movie, "Ratatouille".

This is one of my top favorite Pixar movies! The story line is really well made, the animation is amazing, and the characters are the best.

To be able to making an entire movie in animation is unbelievable! Being on computers 24/7 and making every little detail as best as possible. Here are some pictures/sketches from behind the scenes.  

The Pixar team had to get every detail as possible. Every hair, movement, lighting, and more. 

I love the main line that they say, "Anyone Can Cook." That goes for everybody, even a Rat! Anyone can do anything! 

If you want to find out more about the Pixar film, "Ratatouille", visit:

Or buy the movie and watch the making of!  

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

FINAL: Postcard

For the second part of the final, we have to make our own Postcard. Here are the steps on how to make you own:

1st Step:

I had to come up with my own inspirational quote or use one that I know. So here are some of the ideas I came up with and how to set up a postcard (to get a feel of what a postcard looks like go to this website).

Here are the ideas of inspirational quotes: 

Then I thought of the Oklahoma City Bombing, May they all rest in peace (R.I.P.).

2nd Step:

So then I started setting up my Postcard/artboards. 

3rd Step: 

After that I started adding the pictures in and the quote that I thought of, "God Forgive the Sinner."

Then I added the picture of Jesus weeping at the Oklahoma City Bombing Memorial. 

Finally, I'm done!!!!

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

FINAL: Business Cards

For our final, here at Olathe Northwest High School in Graphic Design, we have to make two Business Cards and Postcards.

Here is my process:

1st Step:

I had to come up with my own business card so I looked at the website:

And got some ideas on what a Business card should be set up like.

This is my little sketch of how I am going to set it up. 

2nd Step:

I went into Adobe Illustrator and started making my pattern for one of the cards. I used a couple things that I used for my logo to make the pattern. 

I moved the middle and ring finger down so the hand can look like it is signing, " I Love You." I will then use the Autism Awareness pattern that I made when making the logo and put it inside of the hand. So its going to be a Pattern inside of a Pattern. 

So I tried that and it didn't work as well as I though it would, so I instead did a repeat pattern. I did 6 by 6 in to make them come together and repeat evenly. 

3rd Step:

After that, I had to think of what information I as going to put. So I looked at some examples and got some ideas on how the business card should be set up. 

I looked at MOO for ideas. 

4th Step:

Finally, I had to put a picture on the other business card. So I found these pictures and then put one of the photos into Illustrator:

Finally I'm done!!!


Thursday, December 10, 2015

Tutorial: Clipping Masks

I am going to teach you guys how to make a clipping mask! If you have seen the two I have done recently they are pretty easy to do.

First step:

Find a picture that you would like to use. I chose this one because it is close to Christmas, YAY!!

Second Step:

You will want to make letters or a text box, either one works. Of whatever you want to type in. I am doing Merry Christmas. 

Third Step: 

You want to find whatever picture you want to put into the letters. I am doing Christmas lights. 

Fourth Step: 

You will scale the image and put it over the letters that you want to have the picture in. 

Fifth Step: 

You will right click and go down to Create Clipping Mask. Once you click that, it will be made. Then you scale it however you want. 

(the reason why it say's release clipping mask is because I already created it) Then you are done! 

Tutorial: Add Own Texture in Maya

I am going to teach you guys how to put your own texture in Maya. I didn't know how to do it but now I do! OK let's get started!

First Step:

Find what texture you want to use. Since I am making a castle I am going for a brick wall or tile type of texture. My castle has flags and I want them to look like flags, so I am going to need my own flag texture.

Second Step:
You want to highlight what walls or objects you want to have the new material/texture. 

You will then press the right button on the mouse and then hold and then go down to assign new material. You will then do Lambert. 

You will click that. It should pop up this. 

This is the Attribute Editor Menu. You will then click on the checkerboard box that is next to the Color Attribute. It should pop up this and then you will click the file. 

Then this will pop open when you click file. You will then click on the yellow folder that stands out/ next to Image Name. 

You will then choose whatever texture you want and open it. Make sure it is the right one. If it doesn't show up, press 6 on the keyboard. It will then show up. Like this: 

You will then have to click on the placeTexture or depending on if it has numbers in it or not. You will have to scale, size and rotate the image until you like it. It will be the same way with the flags. 

Finally you are done! 

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Landscape Staten Island, NY

Here is my landscape I did of Staten Island, NY. :D

I manly painted the water, trees, sand, sky, and parts of the Verazzano Bridge. The only thing I didn't paint was the buildings because they were a little to pixelated and they were way to much in detail so I left them alone.

Overall, I would say it turned out pretty well. Especially the water. :D

Monday, December 7, 2015

Logo Design Process

This is my logo!! I really like my idea that I came up with and I hope you guys like it, too!! :D

There were some steps during my process when making my logo.

First, in my class, Graphic Design, we did somewhat of a practice with learning how to use a Creative Brief. My partner that I interviewed with was Ava Yerkes. I asked her a set of Creative Brief questions that I came up with and found when I had some trouble:
Next, I did a practice logo by creating a logo that already exists. I chose to try the NBC Logo. Here is the link to the tutorial is you want to try:

This is my design of the NBC logo from the tutorial. It's pretty easy if you follow along. 

The colors are very simple and rainbow-like. The shapes are unique, funky, and simple. I used the font Century Gothic because I thought it looked like it would fit pretty well and I thought it looked simple. I don't think the person in the tutorial says what font they used, so I came up with my own. Overall, I think the logo has a fun, family personality in it. 

After that, I had come up with my own logo (Yikes!). I created some sketches on my own and came up with ideas that include my personality and interests. 

I first did some sketches of some of my interests. I first did a logo that goes with my religion (Catholic <3). But, what I did was make the letters into hands fingerspelling GOD in Sign Language, which I love! I went with some quotes that I have heard of before and put it into a logo. I would say I like the "Open your Mind" one because of the brain that is open, which is "opening the mind."

After that I didn't really like those sketches, so I looked up ideas that involve Deaf Culture and Autism Awareness. 

When I looked up Autism Awareness I found this design. It helped me come up with more designs. I knew after that, that I was going to use a hand in my logo and the Autism Awareness pattern. The two reasons why I chose to use Deaf Culture and Autism Awareness is because:

1.) I am falling in love with Sign Language and the Deaf Culture. I have already communicated with a couple people who are Deaf and they really appreciated that I am learning Sign Language and that  I want to become an ASL Interpreter. 
2.) My mom is a Lifeskills/Special Needs teacher and I love being around kids who have special needs. They are so sweet, funny, and amazing! I have grown up with kids who have special needs ever since I was 5 years old. 

Here are some of the other inspirational photos that helped me come up with my logo:

I finally started to have a good concept of what my logo was going to be. Here are my art boards on Adobe Illustrator with the different ideas I had when making my logo:
I separated the different parts onto their own artboards. I first made a hand by using the Oval Shape Tool and then I distorted the palm and fingers (different ovals) to look more like a hand. 

Next I had to think how I was going to make a Autism Awareness Pattern. So I looked up a tutorial first to see if that would help. Here is the tutorial that can help (it's in a different language):

It did help me a little, but I started to have some trouble so I came up with an idea. I found a small portion of the puzzle pattern that could help me:

I used the paint brush tool to make a copy of this pattern and traced around it. I then colored/filled the puzzle pieces with the Autism Awareness colors. I then copied the pattern 3 times to form a bigger pattern (you copy more depending on how big you want it). 

This part took me the longest. I was trying to cut the pattern into a circle (for the eye in the logo). One of my classmates suggested using Pathfinder. So I did. I then found which tool I needed to use in the Pathfinder. I used the crop tool (also have the pattern and circle highlighted before you click crop). I was so happy that it worked (WOOOHOOO!!). I made a black circle for the pupil and then made a white circle for a reflection in the eye. I used a oval to make the eye shape/eye lid and then distorted it/ scaled it to make it look more like the eye shape. I then decided to put the hand and the eye together to show the Deaf Culture by using a hand and the eye with the Autism Awareness pattern to show Autism/Special Needs Pride!! Then I was finished, here is my logo (again)!!